Winget - Presentation and usage

Winget is a tool using the command line to install, uninstall or update applications on a computer equipped with Windows 10 or 11.

Winget installation

Winget Tool is already present in Windows 11 and as well as in recent versions of windows 10. For other versions of Windows 10, the application is available in the Microsoft Store : 

The winget command-line tool is only supported on Windows 10 1709 (build 16299) or later at this time.

Supported installer formats

Below is the list of installers supported by the Winget tool
  • EXE (with Silent and SilentWithProgress indicators)
  • INNO
  • MSI and MSIX
  • APPX
  • BURN

Using Winget

1. Search an application

For search an application, Use the following command line :
  • winget search ApplicationName

For example, with Adobe Reader application :

2. Application installation

Before starting the installation of an application, it is important to know the list of available command options. To do this, simply run the following command:
  • Winget install

For install an application with Winget tool, use the following command line:
  • winget install --id ApplicationID --OthersOptions

For example, with Adobe Reader 64 bits application :

The app search gives us the following ID for Adobe Reader 64 Bit : Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit 

3. Application Upgrade

Winget offer the possibilities to updrage applications with command line. Run the following command for list all application with upgrades available :
  • winget upgrade

Run the following command for upgrade an application. Example with Visual Studio Code :
  • winget upgrade --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode

4. Uninstall an application

Before uninstalling an application, it is important to know the list of available command options. To do this, simply run the following command:
  • winget uninstall

Run the following command for uninstall an application. Example with Adobe Reader DC :
  • winget uninstall --id Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit --force

For more information on Winget, I invite you to visit the following site : 

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