
Showing posts from November, 2022

How to implement Applocker with Microsoft Intune

Applocker is tool included in Windows 10 and 11. It permit to set up policies or rules for allow or deny apps from running on your device.  We can create Applocker rules for below file types:  EXE files : .exe and .com Windows Installer files : .msi, mst, and .msp Scripts : .ps1, .bat, .cmd, .vbs, and .js DLLs : .dll and .ocx Packaged apps and packaged app installers : .appx and .msix. Sources : The Applocker solution purpose a multiple possibilities for secure your device. We have possibilities to block or allow apps. By default, it is recommended to allow all applications and add a custom rules for a scpecific application. Prérequisites for used Applocker Device with Windows 10 or 11 for prepare the Applocker rules Application Identity service enabled Enable Applocker For create an Applocker policy, you need t...

Microsoft Teams, Progressive Web APP on Ubuntu

Recently, Microsoft applications are beginning to appear on Ubuntu and with the arrival of Progressiv Web Apps (PWA), this greatly facilitates their porting. The latest application is Microsoft Teams. In this blog post, we will see how to install Microsoft Teams using the PWA. Prerequisites Below is the list of prerequisites Microsoft Edge or Chrome Install Microsoft Teams PWA On your Ubuntu computer, open Microsoft Edge or Chrome Connect to Teams Web site Enter your credential informations Click on the icon below Select Install Teams is installed on your computer Uninstall Teams PWA Open Microsoft Edge or Chrome Go to Menu / Apps / Manage Apps Click on the three little dots Select Uninstall Teams PWA - Auto-start on device login Recently, you can activate the automatic launch of Microsoft Teams PWA via Microsoft Edge....

How to install Microsoft Edge on Ubuntu

Microsoft is beginning to port some of its applications to various platforms including Ubuntu. In this blog post, we will see how to install and uninstall Microsoft Edge on an Ubuntu environment. It is good to know that Microsoft Edge is a prerequisite for many tools published by Microsoft on Ubuntu. Install Microsoft Edge for Linux Go to In this page, click on  Linux (.deb) On the downloaded package ,  right click  and choose this option :  Open With Other Application Select  Software Install Click  Install Microsoft Edge is installed Install Microsoft Edge with the Terminal You want to install Microsoft Edge from the command line, follow the procedure below. First, add the repository to your system and import the Microsoft GPG key to authenticate packages curl | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 microsoft.gpg /etc/ap...