This script allows to send a status mail when a server restarts or stops. All actions are logged to C:\Logs.
Github Link :
Exécution command line for reboot status :
- powershell.exe -executionpolicy ByPass -file .\ScriptName.ps1 -Option Reboot
Exécution command line for shutdown status :
- powershell.exe -executionpolicy ByPass -file .\ScriptName.ps1 -Option Shutdown
#Script Parameters Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("Reboot", "Shutdown")] [String[]] $Option )
#Function create Log folder Function CreateLogsFolder { If(!(Test-Path C:\Logs)) { New-Item -Force -Path "C:\Logs\" -ItemType Directory } else { Write-Host "The folder "C:\Logs\" already exists !" } }
#Create Log Folder CreateLogsFolder
#Declaration of script variables $Client = "Client Name" $Server = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Name $Date = Get-Date $LogPath = "C:\Logs\StateServer.log"
# Define the email address to send notifications to $to = "YourEmailAdress" $to2 = "OtherEmailAdress" If ($Option -eq "Reboot") { #Send the notification Write-Output "$($Date) Send alert email to $($to) and $($to2) : The server $Server has rebooted." | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogPath -Append Send-MailMessage -To $($to;$to2) -From "SenderEmailAdress" -SmtpServer SmtpAdress -Subject "$Client - $Server - Server Reboot" -Body "The server $Server has rebooted." }
If ($Option -eq "Shutdown") { #Send the notification Write-Output "$($Date) Send alert email to $($to) and $($to2) : The server $Server has been shutdown." | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogPath -Append Send-MailMessage -To $($to;$to2) -From "SenderEmailAdress" -SmtpServer SmtpAdress -Subject "$Client - $Server - Server Shutdown" -Body "The server $Server has been shutdown." }
To facilitate the deployment, it is preferable to create a GPO in the following way :
- Open Group Policy Strategy MMC
- Select Create New GPO
- Go to Computer Configuration \ Strategy \ Windows Parameters \ Script (Restart / Shutdown)
- In the Scripts Powershell Tab, add your script with this paramters :
- Repeat all actions for Shutdown script and replace the paramters with "-Option Shutdown"
When the server restarts, an alert email will be sent to you :
For Shutdown alert