Monitor Windows Service with Powershell
This script is used to monitor a Windows service.
If the monitored service is not active, the script will try to restart it.
15 seconds later, it checks its status again, if the service is still stopped, it retrieves the generated logs and sends an alert email.
Github link
Then simply place the script in a scheduled task and run it regularly.
#Function create Log folder Function CreateLogsFolder { If(!(Test-Path C:\Logs)) { New-Item -Force -Path "C:\Logs\" -ItemType Directory } else { Write-Host "Le dossier "C:\Logs\" existe déjà !" } }
#Create Log Folder CreateLogsFolder
#Declaration of script variables $Client = "ClientName" $Server = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Name $Date = Get-Date $ServiceName = "XboxGipSvc" $LogPath = "C:\Logs\$ServiceName.log"
#Get Gervice Status Information $Service = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $serviceName }
#Restart service and wait 15s before checking if the service restarted If ($service.status -eq "Stopped") { Start-Service $serviceName
Write-Output "$($Date) Service Status is $($service.status)" | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogPath -Append
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 }
#Get Gervice Status Information $Service = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $serviceName }
Write-Output "$($Date) Service Status is $($service.status)" | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogPath -Append
#Send email if service still isn't running If ($service.status -eq "Stopped") { Write-Output "$($Date) Sending Alert email..." | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogPath -Append $smtpServer = "SmtpServer" $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) $msg.From = "noreply@domainname.extension" $msg.To.Add("user@domainname.extension") #$msg.CC.Add("username@domainname.extension") $msg.Attachments.Add("$LogPath") $msg.subject = $Client + " $Server" + " Service " + $serviceName + " is " + $service.status $msg.body = ([string]$date) + " Service " + $serviceName + " is " + $service.status $smtp.send($msg) } Write-Host "$($Date) Sending Alert email OK" |
Example of email received